Walter Baden

Law Firm, Sydney

Brand Strategy, Brand Identity, Stationery & Collateral, Website, Office Signage, Photography, Creative Consulting


An uncommon approach, with an unconventional mindset, unconstrained by past traditions.

↳ Task

Walter Baden wanted to change the way law firms work and operate, both for the benefit of clients and themselves. Magnus was tasked with creating a brand and identity system that was nothing like what currently exists in the corporate law space.

↳ Design Solution

After a brand workshop with the partners, a few drinks we created a brand that challenged a lot of norms for the legal space, chief amongst them being the use of red. Whilst colour theory has its place, it is also the perfect place to start challenging rules and the status quo. We created an organic and bold gradient set of graphics and then used them throughout an unconventional suite of legal applications.

Walter Baden

Credits & Collaborators

Team Photography Kristoffer Paulsen
Web Development Hyphen

Let’s talk about making your vision resonate.


Lynne Bradley Interiors

