60 Bathurst Reserve Release

Shokai Ausbao, Sydney

Brand Refresh, Image making, Print, Campaign Film, Digital Advertising, Website Updates, EDM campaign, Copywriting, Creative Consulting

Refining a brand to be rediscovered.

↳ Task

The Reserve Release by 60 Bathurst was the final release of luxury apartments by developer Shokai Ausbao, located in the very heart of Sydney’s CBD. We were approached to refresh the existing brand for the final stage release, and showcase the now-completed building.

Luxury reserved for you.

↳ Design Solution

The challenge was for people to rediscover a property that had been on the market for years. With an established name and logo, we had to make changes around the existing logo to enhance what was there, whilst not making a complete departure from the existing tone and graphical presentation.

To do this we created a new colour palette, a new in-house hero image and small changes and refinements to the identity system. To accompany a new brochure, we also produced a brand film to help showcase the now complete building, and demonstrate the life very few will experiencing living in the heart of the Sydney CBD.

Watch the film

60 Bathurst Reserve Release

Credits & Collaborators

Film Production by Andre & Dominique
Styling by Coco Republic
Original 60 Bathurst logo by Hoyne

Let’s talk about making your vision resonate.


Jackalberry, Hyatt Regency

